UA-46688036-1 Whacky Tacky Blue Treasures Found in Putney, Vermont. Vintage Milk Glass Magic. Skip to main content


Maximalist Spring Florals by Ernestine

Feast your eyes on these Ernestine beauties.  It's been a long winter here in Vermont and spring is taking it's time. It was a cool 40 degrees earlier but the clematis is in full bloom despite the chill. Check out  fresh floral picks at  Scavenger Aesthetic Etsy  & freshen up your table game! Also  Biggest Sale EVER at SA! I'm getting my knee done on Monday, June 10th so I can be in fighting shape for ski season 2020-21 & then off to my beloved Maine for some R&R - so from today through Saturday, June 8, I'm having a helluva sale. If you have been dreaming of that off -the -hook Marimekko maxi, or an exquisite mid century Omersa hippo footstool. This is the moment to take the leap. xoxoxoxoxo psssst...(the sale on Etsy is 20% off, but you, my faithful reader can get 25% off & free shipping on items over $30 with this code: INSIDER  * Thank you for visiting Scavenger Aesthetic. Here's ...

Whacky Tacky Blue Treasures Found in Putney, Vermont. Vintage Milk Glass Magic.

Tacky- beautiful hobnail and pressed glass patterns

Fenton Glass mark on bottom indicating a 1970's vintage

The underside is as intriguing as the vessel

Some very fine friends of ours came for a visit last weekend and we took a little trip  Hood Museum of Art in Hanover, New Hampshire.  We went for Picasso exhibit, but alas he had fled. While accidentaly looking at an exhibit of early American artifacts, I had an unexpectadly special moment with a little blue glass pitcher.  It was just delicious.

The following morning I felt a strong scavenging urge but I was damn tired from a weekend of friends and wine and it god-awful cold so I had not the strength to travel far. I decided on a quick trip to Putney, VT, a mere 11 miles down the road. It had been a while since I had hit Swirl  - a top notch vintage/consignment boutique in the heart of town.  

With that little blue pitcher lurking in my consciousness , I thought to myself with bizarre certainty, "I want to find a blue, glass, treasure today".  After stopping at the Putney General Store for a damn- good latte ( yay putney! good  espresso is hard to find ) I enter Swirl and beaming bright and blue from the shelves of the 50% off section is all this wild and whacky blue glass treasure.


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