UA-46688036-1 Mesmerizing Scarf Video, Dressing Up Without Dressing Up & Staying Warm in Northern New England Skip to main content


Maximalist Spring Florals by Ernestine

Feast your eyes on these Ernestine beauties.  It's been a long winter here in Vermont and spring is taking it's time. It was a cool 40 degrees earlier but the clematis is in full bloom despite the chill. Check out  fresh floral picks at  Scavenger Aesthetic Etsy  & freshen up your table game! Also  Biggest Sale EVER at SA! I'm getting my knee done on Monday, June 10th so I can be in fighting shape for ski season 2020-21 & then off to my beloved Maine for some R&R - so from today through Saturday, June 8, I'm having a helluva sale. If you have been dreaming of that off -the -hook Marimekko maxi, or an exquisite mid century Omersa hippo footstool. This is the moment to take the leap. xoxoxoxoxo psssst...(the sale on Etsy is 20% off, but you, my faithful reader can get 25% off & free shipping on items over $30 with this code: INSIDER  * Thank you for visiting Scavenger Aesthetic. Here's ...

Mesmerizing Scarf Video, Dressing Up Without Dressing Up & Staying Warm in Northern New England

I love scarves because I hate "dressing up" and a chic scarf is the perfect "i'm dressed up!" fake out.

I need scarves because I live in Vermont where really, the weather is only truly warm from morning to evening on an average of 10 days a year.

I was thinking about my vintage Italian scarf May Give-Away and wondering how you feel about scarves - do you wear them?  How do you wear them?  Are you confused by them?  Do you wish you were French and thus born with scarf tying knowledge?  Do you have better things to do than think about scarves?  Are any of your friends scarves?  Do you think people should be able to marry scarves? Anyway, my deep morning scarf contemplation led me to this this mesmerizing video this morning by Wendy Nguyen : 25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes.  Treat yourself!

and don't forget to enter to win the my vintage find by becoming a subscriber to lalaruralista (so easy to do...go to upper right of blog, feast your eyes on the scarf, imagine how possessing the scarf will transform your life.


  1. Anonymous5/12/2013

    I love scarves and wear them because it's my way of making myself look polished and somewhat presentable from being a jeans/tunic girl.

    The biggest challenge for me with scarves is maintaining them, because i never seem to be able to get out creases really well and don't want to burn them:P


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